Chapter 9: Purring V
“Maybe you’ll look me up. Maybe the first thing you find is this: Shannon Tweed Simmons is “…one of the most successful actresses of mainstream erotica.…
Tweed lives with her husband Gene Simmons, co-lead singer of Kiss, and their two children.… [She] is also known for Gene Simmons Family Jewels, a TV reality show that portrayed the life of her family…” So, let’s get real…about sex and sexual satisfaction (known here as The Purring V). In real life nobody fucks half as long as they do in porn movies, and nobody screams out in ecstasy for that long either. The reality of sex is a lot of silence (and grunting). The reality is that you have to identify your own route to pleasure on the map that is your own body, which will enable you to give your partner direction. The reality is that we all have our own secret fantasies, so find yours and keep it to yourself. Use your imagination, which ultimately means that this thing called sexual satisfaction is a lot up to you.”
—Shannon Tweed Actress & Model